33 |
威廉瑪麗學院College of William and Mary |
Williamsburg, VA |
33 |
羅徹斯特大學University of Rochester |
Rochester, NY |
36 |
喬治亞理工學院Georgia Institute of Technology |
Atlanta, GA |
37 |
凱斯西儲大學Case Western Reserve University |
Cleveland, OH |
38 |
理海大學Lehigh University |
Bethlehem, PA |
38 |
加州大學戴維斯分校University of California--Davis |
Davis, CA |
38 |
La Jolla, CA |
41 |
壬色列理工學院Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Troy, NY |
41 |
加州大學聖芭芭拉分校University of California--Santa Barbara |
Santa Barbara, CA |
41 |
威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校University of Wisconsin--Madison |
Madison, WI |
44 |
加州大學爾灣分校University of California--Irvine |
Irvine, CA |
44 |
邁阿密大學University of Miami |
Coral Gables, FL |
46 |
賓州州立大學Pennsylvania State University--University Park |
University Park, PA |
46 |
伊利諾大學-香檳分校 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) |
Champaign, IL |
46 |
德州大學奧斯汀分校University of Texas--Austin |
Austin, TX |
46 |
華盛頓大學University of Washington |
Seattle, WA |
46 |
葉史瓦大學Yeshiva University |
New York, NY |
51 |
波士頓大學Boston University |
Boston, MA |
51 |
杜蘭大學Tulane University |
New Orleans, LA |
54 |
佩柏戴恩大學Pepperdine University |
Malibu, CA |
54 |
佛羅里達大學University of Florida |
Gainesville, FL |
56 |
東北大學Northeastern University |
Boston, MA |
56 |
俄亥俄州立大學哥倫布校區Ohio State University--Columbus |
Columbus, OH |
58 |
福特漢姆大學Fordham University |
New York, NY |
58 |
南方衛理公會大學Southern Methodist University |
Dallas, TX |
58 |
雪城大學Syracuse University |
Syracuse, NY |
58 |
馬里蘭大學學院市分校University of Maryland--College Park |
College Park, MD |
58 |
匹茲堡大學University of Pittsburgh |
Pittsburgh, PA |
63 |
康乃狄克大學University of Connecticut |
Storrs, CT |
63 |
喬治亞大學University of Georgia |
Athens, GA |
65 |
普渡大學西拉法葉分校Purdue University--West Lafayette |
West Lafayette, IN |
65 |
德州農工大學Texas A&M University--College Station |
College Station, TX |
美國工程學院Ⅰ 美國工程學院Ⅱ 美國大學排名Ⅰ 美國大學排名Ⅲ
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